Thursday, February 17, 2005

Great Rock

1. She's Not There[by the Zombies]
2. Lies by the Knickerbackers
3. Tell Me Why [by The Beatles]
4. East, West [by the Paul Butterfield Blues Band]
5. Surfer Girl [by the Beach Boys]
6. I Feel Fine [by The Beatles]
7. Eight Miles High [by the Byrds]
8. The Rain, the Park, and Other Things [by the Cowsills]
9. Good Bye to Love [by Karen Carpenter]
10. It Ain't Me Babe [by the Turtles]
11. Ride the Wild Surf [by Jan and Dean]
12. Ferry Cross the Mercy [by Gerry and the Pacemakers]
13. I Live for the Sun [by the Sunrays]

Others: California Girls; Dance, Dance Dance; Wendy; Andrea; Blue Velvet; You've Lost that Loving Feeling; Happy Together; Wipeout; Yesterday, Coming Home [Ten Years After]; Ben Franklin's Almanac [Cryin Shames]; Fun, Fun Fun [Joan Jett and the Beach Boys]

Groups/Performers that do not Fail: Beatles, Beach Boys, Turtles, Byrds, Cryin Shames; Joan Jett; Karen Carpenter. While the Zombies had only a few hits, She's Not There is a wonderfully structured piece that set the mood for the 1960s. Lies stands in the same place, but is very rarely heard today. I Feel Fine would probably not be considered the best Beatle song by most, yet its classic structure and tone make it a song among songs. It really defines the group during their early period. Tell Me Why is certainly close. Eight Miles High, with its twelve-string guitar sound, stands as a defining song of the 1960's. The remaining songs stress great moments in life, generally organized around beaches and surf. Odd in the list is that Joan Jett's remake of Fun, Fun, Fun is the only remake of a 1960's song that I think is close to or possibly better than the original.

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